Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Couple new things. First off, I have a website, a real one.... simply type HAVENSILLUSTRATION.COM into your URL box to feast your eyes on what has been keeping me up night after night lately. Also, a little update on The Batman...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Super Crunch!!!

Just a little something for Mahan this week. It was much funnier when it was Her-O's instead of super crunch but yea. I think the type came out nice enough but I've still got some color issues to worry about. I've been working non-stop on the website which should be up sometime before school is out. I've been working a bunch on my 3-D stuff too. Got a batman bust here thats working out pretty well so far. Suprisingly it came together very fast.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

King Lear and all his Friends

King Lear cover for Theatre Playbill. This was a lot of fun and I worked really fast (maybe 2-3 hours) All in all I like it. Below it here is the inkwash I did for the middle daughters face. Next to that are some icons I did in Design for movie genres. If I think of anything else I haven't yet posted, I'll throw it up here.